Category Archives: Level editor

Sept. 21st dev update

Hi everyone ! It’s time for another dev update…
I’ve been working on level design since the start of the week and had to change the way some things worked in the levels. I also added a way to add an object or enemy at a precise point. That way, calculating the position of the background, i can add a background element in the exact spot it is supposed to be at.
However, while it was working well, i thought that it would be better to have a view of the exact background in the level editor…especially since in this level, there are background enemies (enemies that are on the ground and don’t collide with the ship but fire at it).

So i made those changes as well and i must say it is pretty fun to have a good view of the background as it will be in game. I wish i had the time to put all the graphics into the editor to have a 100% accurate view of the level but i really don’t. I’ll maybe do it in my free time (if i can find some).
I am really looking forward to seeing people use the level editor to create new levels but that will have to wait until after the release!

level editor
DreadStar’s Level Editor!

So far, i only have started on the overall design of this level, however so i must now hurry and finish the level before working on the Mazinger sector’s enemies.
That’s all for now.

Sept 14th. dev update

Hi !
It’s time for another dev update as i finally finished the 4th level boss. Some gameplay from the boss turned out to be more complicated to program than anticipated and i had to change a few things in the core game engine.

As everything is now complete on that boss, i can start working on changes to the level editor and start the level design (the fun part!).
I need to make those changes because this level’s design is particular. We are using a lot of background elements that need pixel perfect placement, something the current level editor can’t do well except on fixed locations (useful for enemies, but not so much for background elements). It will also be useful for the 5th level (and if/when we release the level editor as well).

I’m hoping i can make those changes and have a good first rough of the level by the end of the week.
I’ll then start working on the 5th level’s enemies and bosses, along with the core mechanics of the level.

Stay tuned!

Keeping it up there, in the galaxy!

Hi !
Here are some news and fresh images from the game and new tools:

The Tyrian elements are slowly being eradicated and replaced by their newer forms !

New graphic elements for Galaxy Hunter

So far the work is progressing steadily and everything goes well. We are working on the last elements to finish the demo version that will be posted on specialist forums to get feedback on the gameplay, ui, etc.

I made a new tool for the game to help design movement for the enemies/bosses:

Galaxy Hunter Movement Editor

And finally, here is a picture of the way i can design levels with the new level editor:

Galaxy Hunter Level Design

Fresh galaxy news

Hello !
Pretty big news as Clemenc, the graphic artist with whom i was working with on the cutscene art has decided to join me and rework most of the game’s graphic elements (most notably, everything that came from Tyrian). So we are now 2, working full time on the game ! It should improve steadily…

And finally some fresh news from the game! I haven’t had much time since we decided to work together with the graphic artist to post news but there has been good progress. Squashed some (hidden) bugs and the level editor is fully functional. It will require some improvement to be shipped with the game but for now (the level design part), it will do!
Here is a sneak peek (enemy/objects list wasn’t full obviously ^^ ):
Galaxy Hunter Level Editor

Stay tuned as i will soon post some of the new items/enemies designed by Clemenc !

Current progress and news !

Hi !
I have had some difficulties connecting to the net as i still don’t have a fix connexion at home (it should be fixed soon, though).
Here is the current progress on the level editor:
I still need to add the ability to load levels, enemies movement (so you can see exactly what is happening anytime during the level) and some minor tweaks to make it easier too.
At some point, i will replace the placeholder graphics by the real ingame sprites but that will have to wait for now as i am focused on the demo rather than polishing the level editor.

New update will be sometime next week. Hopefully i will have my connexion fixed by then.
Stay tuned !

Current progress on the game and the level editor…

As i am working toward the completion of the demonstration version, here is the current state of the game:

All menus and user interface work but need a bit of graphic work.
The galaxy map is 99% done (finished and working but i need to add a custom level loader).
The game engine is 99% done (several tiny bugs to squash but overall it is done).
The first level is working but unfinished.
The first boss is done.
The second level is working but unfinished.
The second boss is 50% done.
The third level is working but unfinished.
The third boss is 50% done.
The fourth level is done.
The fourth boss is 20% done.
The fifth level is working but mostly empty.
The fifth boss is 20% done.
The final boss hasn’t been worked on yet.
Most of the music tracks are in the game. Only several sounds have been included so far.
The cutscenes are 40% done. I’m waiting on more graphic elements from the graphic artist to finish them.

So yeah, a lot of work still to do but i’m getting there ! The level design and boss programming are the fun parts, anyway.
Basically, i am working on a level editor that will allow me to have a visual representation of the levels instead of working with files only.
I plan on including it with the game for free at some point (hopefully at release but i will have to rework some things and make it more polished for that to happen so…i dunno) and include the ability to load custom levels. I’m hoping gamers will enjoy that and will share their levels with their friends and other fans of the game!

So that’s it for now. The plan is to come here and post about the game at least once a week.
Bonus: a sneak peek of the level editor (far from finished and i’m actually adding tiles so that placing objects on the same spot is easier).
Galaxy Hunter Level Editor